4 post-conference activities that you can’t ignore

4 post-conference activities that you can’t ignore

This week, we look at the often forgotten, but vital, post conference follow-up. Yes, conference attendance is exhausting and there’s always a mountain of work piled on your desk waiting for your return, but failing to follow-up means failing to capitalise on all your hard work so far. Here’s what you should be doing:

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National SMSF Conference - Sept 2015

The Chartered Accountants Australia National SMSF Conference 2015 is being held on September 14 and 15 on the Gold Coast. According to their website, the conference will provide:

up-to-date information on the latest challenges, issues and opportunities facing this complex industry, while offering a platform to challenge and hone your skills. With a stellar line-up of content and speakers, this conference will equip you with everything you need to stand apart in this exciting industry.

Sounds pretty good to me! I'll be speaking at the "CA SMSF Specialist Breakfast" session on Tuesday the 15th. If you're attending the conference and would like to meet-up then please get in touch.

Find out more about the conference at http://www.charteredaccountants.com.au/smsfconference.