• Advanced bookings are not accepted for CREW forums. An email will be sent to members a few weeks before each forum with a link to the online registration for the forum.

  • You will only be able to register for a forum is you are a CREW member. Please use the “Apply to Join CREW” button to apply for membership. Please note that it may take time for your membership to be processed. Once your membership has been approved you will be able to register for forums.

  • Please only RSVP to a forum if you are reasonably certain that you will be able to attend. Records are maintained of late cancellations and no-shows and serial offenders may be waitlisted at future forums.


  • Places at forums are limited so it is often necessary to maintain a waitlist. To monitor the available number of places and to ensure our hosts and supporters are accommodated, a limit is shown on the online registration system. When this limit is reached, you will be given the option of joining the waitlist – please ensure you do this as additional places are often made available nearer to the forum date.

  • Waitlisted members will be notified when they join the waitlist and will be notified if their registration is subsequently successful. If you receive a registration notification and can no longer attend please follow the cancellation process set out below.


  • Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend a forum for which you are registered. 

  • Confirmation emails will be sent a week or so before the forum. This is before the attendance list is finalised so cancelations at this stage can be easily administered. Please don’t take the fact that there is a waitlist for a forum as an easy reason for a late cancellation as often by this stage the waitlist members have made other plans or there is not enough time to process the change. 

  • If you are unable to attend a forum please do not substitute a colleague without first clearing it with us. Preference must be given to our waitlisted members and, in addition, many of our hosts have security requirements and need to know the names of those attending. The same principles apply for bringing along additional colleagues.


Lastly, to avoid embarrassment, please remember our membership criteria of “women in risk and compliance related roles in the Australian financial services industry”.

Many thanks in advance for adhering to these guidelines.