While there are myriad issues we can assist with, these are the issues that our clients commonly come to us for:
PDS related:
You want to upgrade your PDS processes, but PDS software is expensive, change is risky and it’s hard to get buy in when the cost to business isn’t a line on the P&L.
You're sick of PDSs taking so much time/effort but not sure how to move forward.
You're not convinced that the current PDS set-up is doing enough to ensure accuracy and mitigate risk.
Your team have to roll/write PDSs but everyone is busy on other projects/BAU.
PDS content a bit blah but no one has time/interest in fixing it. You're worried about the slowly increasing risk of an issue or complaint as thing get worse each roll, not better.
On the communications side:
You're worried about cyber attack or other major issue. And while you're doing as much as possible to reduce the risk of incident you still want to be prepared just in case.
You are going to have to tell members/customers something they aren’t really going to like and you need it to go as smoothly as possible.
You spend a lot of members' money on Annual Member Meetings but you're not getting much return on investment.
Would you like Sarah to speak at your next conference?
Her previous engagements include:
The Future of Super Fund Administration Conference - 2023 and 2024
Bell Asset Management Strategy Day
Lifespan Financial Services Annual Conference
InvestorDaily Wraps, Platforms and Masterfunds Conference
ifa Client Experience Workshop Sydney and Melbourne
AIST Super Legal & Compliance Symposium
“Thank you for orchestrating and leading such an excellent panel session. Looking forward to our next interaction.” Jay Nair, IBR Conferences Pty Ltd
Here’s what previous attendees have to say about Sarah’s presentations:
What a refreshing, practical and knowledgeable speaker Sarah Penn was.
Sarah Penn was very energetic with great slides. Made what would have normally been a boring subject into something really interesting.
Great presentation. Very clear, concise and useful. Very informative engaging speaker.
Excellent speaker, good examples and thought provoking, a presenter who provided real solutions.
Sarah Penn was very engaging and provided a very insightful presentation. Some really useful information to takeaway and apply.
Sarah was very good at identifying issues in a simple way and her presentation was very easy to follow.