The Mayflower Fintech Show, Conferences and other news from Mayflower Consulting

Well February is almost done and for Mayflower it’s been a month of interesting conversations. One of the exciting reasons for that is because we’ve started recording interviews for a new podcast – the Mayflower Fintech Show.

Yes, the buzzword of the decade, fintech! But we’re going to get behind the hype of robo-advice and ‘lean start-ups’, to look at what fintech really is, what’s working and how it’s going to change the world for advisers, accountants and of course the general public.

We’ll be joined each episode by people from around the financial services world – some people who run fintech companies; some who are just starting out; others who have watched and commentated on the scene for some time. Recording has begun and the conversations we’ve had so far have been really interesting!

We’ll let you know more details about the launch soon – keep your eyes and ears out for the 5 minute mini-episode which will be available in the next week or two.

In the SMSF space of course we had the SMSF Association conference in Adelaide last week and that didn’t disappoint. With 1500 advisers, accountants, lawyers and service providers in attendance, it was the place to see and be seen. In fact, there were SO many people there that I didn’t see a few fellow twitterers (twits!?!) until the airport on the way home.

This is the first time that an Australian Treasurer (Scott Morrison, pictured right answering some tough questions from SMSF Association CEO, Andrea Slattery) has presented at the SMSFA Conference, so another indication of how important SMSF is to the government now.

Indeed Peter Williams from Deloitte even predicted that 80% of super dollars will be in SMSFs within the next 20 years. I don’t know, is that just crazy talk? Either way the key takeout for me was that SMSF is now a substantial and very important part of the retirement landscape.

Between the SMSF Association Conference and the Adviser Innovation Digital Marketing Bootcamp, it’s been a busy month for social media, especially twitter. You can have a look back at some of the highlights and interesting take-outs on their respective hashtags, #SMSFAssoc and #AIBootcamp.

Since this time of the year is conference central, I wrote a 4-part series about how to get the best value out of attending one. I even followed my own advice and set up meetings beforehand, which I have to say, really made things easier and helped me make sure I got my monies worth from three days out of the office.

Cameron has also written an interesting take on approaching social media, his suggestion is – get past the hype ‘cos social media isn’t new, it’s just like telemarketing!

And as always we’re more than happy to have a chat about what you’re up to and whatever issues you’re facing, so get in touch if you’d like to have a coffee.